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Could CBD Make You Fail a Drug Test?

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is detected in drug testing. Although these tests do not look for CBD, some CBD products include trace amounts of THC, which might cause a person to fail a drug test.

CBD is derived from hemp, a low-THC variety of cannabis that is legal in the United Kingdom. While some CBD products claim to be THC-free, contamination during the production process is possible, and the manufacturer’s labelling may be incomplete in some circumstances.

Cannabis sativa is a very adaptable plant that is grown for various purposes, including food, hemp seed, hemp-based construction materials, and therapeutic and recreational applications.

Cannabinoids are the most physiologically active chemicals in cannabis. These substances are unique to the cannabis plant and cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

THC, CBD, cannabigerol (CBG), cannabinol (CBN), and cannabichromene are some of the more common cannabinoids (CBD). THC is the powerful psychoactive ingredient found in cannabis. CBD does have psychotropic properties, which is why scientists are researching its use in treating mental illnesses, including depression and anxiety.

It does not, however, have the same intoxication effects as THC. THC binds to receptors located throughout the brain. Endocannabinoids, which are endogenous chemicals produced by the human body, generally bind to these receptors.

A person may fail a CBD drug test for a variety of reasons:

Using THC-Containing Products

cbd oil

A person’s use of a CBD oil product that contains THC is the most typical reason for a failed CBD drug test. It may be a full-spectrum product, and however, it may be a low-quality isolate containing a trace quantity of THC.

Although the majority of producers say that their products are THC-free, this is not always true.

THC Cross-Contamination

THC is the substance from which CBD is derived can get into the CBD oil in high enough concentrations to cause a positive drug test. When CBD oil is acquired from cannabis shops in states where cannabis is legal, this scenario may be more likely to occur.

Product Labeling Errors

THC levels in CBD oil derived from hemp should not exceed 0.3%. It’s unusual for merchants to market their products as THC-free hemp when they’re a low-quality oil produced from marijuana, and THC is present in marijuana.

product labeling

In fact, according to one research, about 70% of CBD products marketed online are mislabeled. It resulted in “possible significant harm to its customers”. CBD products are not adequately controlled by the Food and Drug Administration, which is one of the reasons for rampant mislabeling (FDA).

Secondhand THC ingestion

A person’s accidental exposure to marijuana (through secondhand smoking) is unlikely to result in a positive drug test. It is, nonetheless, doable. Inhaling enough THC-containing smoke while in a room with heavy marijuana smokers for several hours may result in a positive test. Let’s assume someone stroked your hair after coming into direct contact with marijuana. A drug test that screens your hair might potentially result in a false positive.

CBD Oil Ingredients That Show Up on Drug Screens

Topical CBD products, such as shampoos, cosmetics, and lotions, should not cause a positive drug test result since they do not reach the bloodstream. The issue is more difficult in the case of CBD oils, gummies, tea and coffee, or transdermal patches. In a test of 84 CBD products purchased online, 18 were found to contain THC.

THC can be identified for up to 15 days in a urine test, depending on how often and how much you use it. THC takes roughly five hours to leave your bloodstream, but compounds made by your body from THC (THC metabolites) can stay in your system for up to seven days. CBD can last anywhere from 2 to 5 days in the bloodstream, depending on the amount and frequency. CBD can present in your body for up to 30 days or longer if you’ve been using it for a while.


CBD oil is commonly advertised as being THC-free, although this is not always the case. Other cannabinoids, such as THC, may be included in full-spectrum CBD oils, and THC may also be present in isolated products. If you’re taking CBD oil, you’ll need to be proactive to prevent failing a drug test. Most importantly, be sure you’re using a pure product from a recognised manufacturer.


How long can CBD be detected in urine?

It all depends on how much you took and how often you used it. These metabolites can appear in a urine test anywhere from three to two weeks after the last time it was conducted.

Can CBD oil help you pass a DOT drug test?

The Food and Drug Administration authority does not identify THC contents in CBD products. As a result, even products marketed as “THC-free” or “Low THC” may contain more than the legal limit of 0.3 per cent THC. It implies that you risk failing a DOT drug test regardless of the sort of CBD oil you buy.

Is it possible to lose your job if you have CBD in your system?

So be cautious. It’s likely that using CBD or utilising CBD-infused items can result in a positive THC test, and you’ll be fired. Most workplaces do THC drug tests; however, current drug testing does not include CBD.

Is CBG going to show up on a drug test?

In the market, not everything you see is genuine. Brands that claim to have “the greatest CBG oil” may not contain CBG. You can test your CBG product to discover if they detect CBG or if you’ve wasted your money. Different drug tests are used in the lab to detect the presence of the cannabis strain.

Is CBD a medicine?

CBD is usually present in the Cannabis sativa plant, generally known as hemp or cannabis. In the United States, one kind of CBD is licenced as a seizure medication. The Cannabis sativa plant contains over 80 compounds known as cannabinoids.

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